DevOps and cloud computing are joined at the end of a diverged spectrum. This is mainly because DevOps is tied in with streamlining digital transformation so client prerequisites can rapidly make it into application development, while the cloud offers automated provisioning and scaling to suit application changes. DevOps in a cloud-enable agile workflow.
Lamentably, IT experts who practice DevOps in cloud frequently commit errors they effectively could have stayed away from. The issue is that accepted procedures are not yet surely known. The two zones are moderately new, however, this issue may have more to do with individuals than innovation—and people issues are harder to settle because of obvious reasons.
Let us narrow down the top 5 things to consider while operating DevOps in Cloud.
Make your Cloud Native
To exploit a cloud platform to its best possible capabilities you should design your applications so that they are decoupled from physical assets. Obviously, cloud computing can give a deliberation or virtualization layer between the application and the basic physical or virtual assets, regardless of whether they’re intended for cloud or not. However, that is not completely satisfactory.
At the point when you consider decoupled engineering in your design, comprehend that the effectiveness of the deployment, development phases of an application, along with the usage of the hidden cloud assets, can improve by as much as 70 percent. The efficiency of cloud computing saves money. You’re paying for the assets you use, so applications that work all the more productively with those assets run quicker and piles on lesser cloud administration bills toward the month’s end.
Componentize your applications
Containers are a suitable way to componentize your applications. They are extremely portable and as a result, can be well orchestrated. Integrating containers into DevOps and cloud strategy will be a solid move as a result. It not only enhances the performance but also saves the wastage of output.
It is best suited to spend optimum time in evaluating the best practices in order to enhance your cluster management. The selection of the right orchestration tools to leverage the usage of containers is also essential. This does not mean that it is necessary for you to deploy containers, it is to majorly understand what works the best for you using the application architecture approach and fundamentals.
Componentize your applications
It is a common myth that DevOps and cloud in aggregation will save the enterprise money and the pertaining savings from this aggregation will go ahead and fund the business. However, half the people forget that the configuration management of DevOps itself needs heavy funding. This initial heavy investment lasts at least a couple of years with the companies responsible to bear the brunt of it. So, while DevOps in the cloud is a great and optimized investment make sure not to overfund it and run into immediate losses.
Automation Testing is the key
Performance testing plays a significant part in the DevOps stream. It is extremely essential to prevent bad and faulty applications from reaching into production. Also, public cloud providers may add up resources and hence accounting for performance issues and pipeline bottlenecks.
Automation testing not only helps in providing good performance but also allows efficient use of the present resources. These tests mesh with stability and precision testing along with existing testing for the user interfaces.
Don’t overstuff your cloud
It is very important to be careful about the number of applications that are to be considered for migration. Choosing technology and migrating accordingly will be very important. There are traditional applications as well, which might find a better fit elsewhere other than the cloud. Justifying the migration costs is very important for the applications as well. Optimize your priority list so that the most needed applications get their dues and accelerate their functionality by migrating to the cloud.
The implementation of DevOps cloud tools is a learning experience. There are no fixed set of rules that has to be followed. You have to learn from your own implementation and resultant mistakes. That being said, the benefits that DevOps can bring in association with the cloud are huge. This combination promotes agility and paces the time-to-market.